“Joy Spring” – “Up Jumped Spring” – just two jazz songs that express our feelings precisely as we ready for this summer’s “Jazz in the Meadow”. Plans continue apace for the Bartlett/Benedum July 9, 2011 musical extravaganza. This summer’s event will feature a stage for the most talent laden groups of musicians we have ever presented. In addition, a number of exceptional musicians will be attending and may “jam” with our scheduled combos. As usual, the audience will be made up of equally exceptional personages. Be ready for some surprise guests. Again, this year folks attending will be friends of the Bartletts and Benedums whom we admire, respect, and love.
The afternoon begins with a welcome by the hosts and then a blessing by Rev. Dr. Richard A. Morledge. This occurs promptly at 1:00 p.m. The musical portions start with the lilting and mellow rhythms of the Marty Ashby Quartet – each of whom is a jazz master in his own right.
As we alluded to in our February announcement, we have arranged for a local high school jazz band to play. Plans are now finalized to have the Rockwood High School Jazz Band, under the direction of Rich Kingera, to segue between the Marty Ashby Quartet and the Frank Cunimondo Trio. We are very grateful for the cooperation of the Rockwood School superintendent, Mr. Mark Bower, and the Rockwood School Board. The young jazz musicians are not professionals so do not receive payment for their appearances. So, we are suggesting that anyone wishing to make a donation for their appearance can do so on July 9th at Jazz in the Meadow. The entire donation will go to the Rockwood High School Music Department – hopefully “earmarked” for jazz instruction and presentations. It is our hope that this high school gig will promote jazz for the younger generation.
At 5:00 p.m. we are proud and pleased to bring back one of Pittsburgh’s favorite jazz piano groups – the Frank Cunimondo Trio. Frank will be accompanied by the legendary Pat (the Barbarian) Crossley and the young drummer phenom – Tom Wendt.
As those of you who have attended this lawn party in the past know, it is dedicated to the promotion of Friendship and Jazz. The usual format continues with live music, conviviality, hardy hors d’oeuvres and libations.
So, again, please mark your calendars. Bring a chair or a blanket, and be prepared for a relaxing afternoon-early evening of jazz and good company.
We suggest checking the location page of the website for overnight lodging at the local B and B’s or Seven Springs Resort.
If you receive this update, you are on the invitation list. But a formal invitation will follow for RSVPs.
Brooks & Helen Bartlett